Shout It Out Loud!

Must be the first sunset in weeks in Southern Indiana! Coincidentally enough, thanks to this blogger, yours truly eclipsed the 1000-mark follower on WordPress recently.  Rumor has it the tech staff threw a party in my honor but I can’t confirm that.  Thank you from Mr. Skipah to all my…

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The Circle City Adventure

What a week in the Skipahsphere!  Guess who got published in Yahoo Finance this past week?  Not Dave Ramsey, but this dumb old pathetic blogger who knows more about using the F word in various forms of grammar than putting together a grammatically correct sentence.  The Skipah Financial Tips blog posts are…

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Who Wants a T-shirt?

With Sloane away at her Kentucky prison, and weather that is quickly putting lawnmower dealerships out of business, the umbrella manufacturing division would argue otherwise, is there a better time for another Skipah Search Engine Post! The world is a crazy place and Mr. Skipah occasionally likes to check in every now…

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